For those who know the difference, a few minutes of proofreading should fix the issue. The only way to fix this is to repeat over and over again what each of the homophones means so that people who don’t know it get the chance to learn. It doesn’t matter whether the homophones have different meanings and uses or if they are in completely different word classes we still mix them up.

Words like there, their, and they’re, your and you’re, and bear and bare are up there, along with to, too, and two. We call words that share a pronunciation homophones, and if you take a look at any list of commonly confused words, you’ll find plenty of homophones on it. And there’s another word that’s also pronounced that way: the number two. In casual speech, speakers sometimes use too in the sense of “very”: That gal is too funny! To, Too, and TwoĪpart from being spelled very similarly, to and too are pronounced the same. If you find grammar tough, you can say that it’s too hard. You can use it instead of “besides,” “in addition,” “also,” or “as well.” But you can use it for other things, too, like when you want to indicate excessiveness. Too is also a useful little word, but it’s not a preposition like to, and it doesn’t have as many meanings. There are other things for which we use the word to, but by now you should know enough of them to make sure you notice the difference between it and too. To is also used to indicate a range or a period of time, like when you say it will take you five to ten minutes to finish something. You get attached to people, you have things that belong to you.

You’ll often use to when you want to indicate a relationship between words, relationship like possession, attachment, and addition. To also plays a role when we want to indicate that a verb is an infinitive. That’s the way you use it when you say you’re going to class tomorrow. You can use it to indicate a goal or a direction of movement, as well as a place of arrival. To is a preposition and a versatile little word that can be used to say many things.